Plot: The story of America's rise to power starting with 1959, using archival footage and US pop music to highlight the consequences to the rest of the world and in the peoples' minds.
The Victory SquadFreedom Isn't Free — The Freedom Charter Today1776Theory and Practice: Conversations with Noam Chomsky and Howard ZinnMeet the Trumps: From Immigrant to PresidentAmerica: Freedom to FascismZeitgeist: AddendumPaul Robeson: Here I StandTrumped: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All TimeGradually, Then Suddenly: The Bankruptcy of Detroit10,000 SaintsViceL'Extrême Droite dans l'Histoire : Du général Boulanger à Jean-Marie Le PenGetulioAll About Ann: Governor Richards of the Lone Star StateDon't Be a Sucker!HoffaBetter Off Dead?How Every Film You Watch Tells You To Love The Rich and What To Do About ItPM Narendra Modi