Plot: This is a documentary about an honest search for the truth about the Federal Reserve Bank and the legality of the Internal Revenue System. Through extensive interviews with recognised experts and authority, the director shows an astonishing revelation of how the Federal Government and the Bankers have fooled the American public by taking thier wages and putting it in the pockets of the super-rich.
You've Been Trumped TooHollande, DSK, etc ...Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto KingCitizen ShaneGeorge Carlin: Life Is Worth LosingPrint It BlackThe Dangerous ServantRoberto Benigni: TuttobenigniDixie Chicks: Shut Up and SingThe Yes MenHow Every Film You Watch Tells You To Love The Rich and What To Do About ItFreedom Isn't Free — The Freedom Charter TodayRed, White and BlueSickoRe-enactmentEncantado, le Brésil désenchantéInformation for/from Outsiders: Chronicles from KashmirThemepark 1984History on the Run: The Media and the '79 ElectionA Meeting with Milton Santos