Born: 1931-02-21 in Warsaw, Poland
Missing biography. Soon to updated
Heat - 2017-06-22
Requiem - 2001-10-12
Weekend Stories: The Hidden Treasure - 2001-01-26
Gwiazdka w Złotopolicach - 1999-12-24
I Love You - 1999-06-18
Panna z mokrą głową - 1994-04-21
The Case of Bronek Pekosinski - 1993-11-19
Hijacking Agatha - 1993-08-20
Yes, Yes - 1993-01-21
Po własnym pogrzebie - 1992-05-13
The Birthday Trip - 1990-08-03
Porno - 1990-01-26
Daze - 1989-02-20
Wherever You Are... - 1988-09-11
Egg Nogg - 1988-08-15
Inner Life - 1987-08-28
Stanisław i Anna - 1987-03-01
Axiliad - 1986-10-13
Piętno - 1985-06-03
Follies of Miss Eva - 1985-01-07