Missing biography. Soon to updated
The Last Thing He Wanted - 2020-02-14
Pride & Bounty - 2016-08-30
Los Domirriqueños - 2015-12-03
Díptico - 2014-08-10
El enviado - 2012-01-02
Mi verano con Amanda 2 - 2011-09-18
Elite - 2010-09-02
No seas pendejo. Un corto complejo. - 2010-08-06
Il Viaggio - 2010-07-21
Sexy Mortal - 2010-06-12
Jugando al esconder - 2009-10-12
La mancha - 2009-08-02
Straight from the Barrio - 2008-10-10
Che: Part Two - 2008-12-12
Che: Part One - 2008-12-12
Marta y Cristóbal - 2008-01-02
Maldeamores - 2007-06-06
El clown - 2006-11-10
La nena - 2006-05-02
Victoria, and the Pursuit of Happiness - 2006-01-01