Missing biography. Soon to updated
The Worst Man in London - 2024-02-08
Um Filme em Forma de Assim - 2022-04-28
A Abóbada - 2021-02-26
Pilgrimage - 2017-11-02
Love Love - 2017-05-10
The Hunchback - 2016-04-27
The Maias: Story of a Portuguese Family - 2014-09-11
Lisbon Revisited - 2014-08-14
Florbela - 2012-03-08
Under My Skin - 2011-04-06
Oh Lisboa, Meu Lar - 2010-04-24
True and Tender is the North - 2008-09-30
20.13: Purgatory - 2006-12-21
Fin de curso - 2005-07-15