Born: 1956-10-03
Died: 2023-11-02
Missing biography. Soon to updated
Love Is Love - 2012-01-19
Prague - 2006-11-03
93, rue Lauriston - 2004-12-14
Zdivočelá země - 1997-11-13
Lucerna aneb Boj o lípu - 1994-01-01
Divoká svině - 1990-09-01
Chief, There Is a Horse in the Backyard - 1989-09-30
Pěsti ve tmě - 1987-03-01
Run, Waiter, Run! - 1981-01-09
V hlavní roli Oldřich Nový - 1980-12-05
This Is How Love Begins... - 1975-10-31
Na startu je delfín - 1975-06-06