Born: 1938-09-05 in Latina, Italy
Missing biography. Soon to updated
All the Time in the World - 2019-12-10
Qui non si muore - 2019-11-01
Sugar Baby - 2019-12-08
The Nest of the Turtledove - 2016-05-16
Bologna due agosto: I giorni della collera - 2014-05-29
Italian Movies - 2013-07-03
La terra e il vento - 2013-01-30
Workers - Pronti a tutto - 2012-05-11
The Museum Of Wonders - 2010-04-01
Kiss Me Again - 2010-01-29
Ce n'è per tutti - 2009-11-20
Mal'aria - 2009-04-14
The Breath of the Soul - 2009-03-13
FRATELLI - 2008-12-10
Sette Ottavi - 2006-02-02
Don't Move - 2006-07-18
The Embalmer - 2002-10-12
The Last Kiss - 2002-08-02
Guarda il cielo: Stella, Sonia, Silvia - 2000-11-19
Johnny the Partisan - 2000-11-17