Born: 1938-07-08 in Mezőkeresztes, Hungary
Missing biography. Soon to updated
Also known as:
Megszállottak - 2018-03-01
Just Drop Dead! - 2016-12-01
A fekete bojtár - 2015-03-26
Pillangó - 2012-12-26
The Door - 2012-03-08
Metamorphosis - 2007-01-01
An Old-Fashioned Story - 2006-12-25
The Conquest - 1996-12-12
A három testőr Afrikában - 1996-04-12
Rasputin - 1996-03-23
A pályaudvar lovagja - 1993-03-23
Red Heat - 1988-06-17
The Southern Mail - 1988-04-07
A Thorn under the Fingernail - 1987-06-06
Myths of the Housing Estate - 1985-05-10
Glória - 1982-09-12
The Assistant - 1982-07-02
Run with Me! - 1982-02-23
The Match - 1981-08-13
The Nameless Castle - 1981-01-01