Born: 1960-04-29
The globetrotting daughter of an English army officer, Alison Routledge moved to NZ as a teen. After winning a place at Drama School on a dare, Routledge scored lead roles in TV’s The Garden Party (1983) and end-of-the-world classic The Quiet Earth. Since then the singer and ex-Wildtrack presenter has acted in ghost tale The Returning, acclaimed movie Rain, and played a memorably loopy Mum in 2005 short Nothing Special.
Nothing Special - 2005-10-13
Her Majesty - 2001-10-06
Rain - 2002-04-26
The Returning - 1990-12-10
Bridge to Nowhere - 1986-05-16
The Quiet Earth - 1985-10-18
Other Halves - 1984-10-01