Missing biography. Soon to updated
Apocalypsever - Franco Maresco - 2020-11-26
Toto and Vice - 2017-07-06
I Don't Know the Men of this City - 2015-09-04
Io e... Franco - 2013-01-01
Viva Palermo, viva Santa Rosalia - 2013-01-01
Il cavaliere Sole - 2008-12-10
The Passion of Joshua the Jew - 2005-09-09
The Return of Cagliostro - 2003-09-05
I briganti di Zabut - 1998-10-15
The Star Maker - 1995-09-21
Diario senza date - 1995-09-01
Il giorno di San Sebastiano - 1993-09-03