Missing biography. Soon to updated
Torito - 2019-02-28
Another Story of the World - 2017-07-20
Onyx - 2015-10-18
En crítica - 2014-01-01
Condenados - 2013-11-16
The Last Family Holidays - 2013-08-01
Cuando yo te vuelva a ver - 2013-05-16
Otro corazón - 2012-11-08
Palm Sunday - 2012-01-19
Güelcom - 2011-08-04
Matar a Videla - 2010-01-07
Horizontal/Vertical - 2009-06-16
Yo soy sola - 2008-05-15
Cheese Head - 2006-10-12
Sofacama - 2006-08-31
La demolición - 2006-02-02
Conversations with Mother - 2004-04-15