Missing biography. Soon to updated
A oscuras - 2019-01-10
Last Round - 2018-12-06
Tony - 2018-04-20
Fisherman - 2018-01-11
The Fumigator - 2016-11-22
Una de esas noches - 2015-01-01
Subiela, El Mago - 2014-11-29
Jorge & Alberto vs. The Neoliberal Demons - 2014-11-05
Olvídame - 2013-10-31
Memory of the Dead - 2013-03-28
Claudio y Adrián (Amores de historia) - 2012-01-15
The Crossing of the Andes - 2011-04-07
The Effect of Love - 2007-08-16
Chronicle of an Escape - 2007-11-28