Missing biography. Soon to updated
Vísperas - 2007-02-08
Meanwhile - 2006-09-21
It Happened at the Boarding School - 1985-08-08
Todo o nada - 1984-03-01
Days of Delusion - 1980-07-03
Grandma - 1979-05-10
Triangle of Four - 1975-04-10
Los chiflados del batallón - 1975-02-06
Minguito Tinguitela, papá - 1974-06-27
Los padrinos - 1973-07-04
Me gusta esa chica - 1973-03-29
The Bomb-thrower Teacher - 1972-09-07
The Hippie Teacher - 1969-07-31
Psexoanálisis - 1968-06-19