Missing biography. Soon to updated
I'll Appeal to the Minister - 1962-02-15
The Land of Angels - 1962-01-14
On the Roofs of Budapest - 1961-08-10
Summer Rain - 1961-01-19
Pár lépés a határ - 1959-11-26
Yesterday - 1959-08-18
The Brigade No. 39 - 1959-03-19
At Midnight - 1957-12-25
Song of the Cornfields - 1947-03-02
The School-Mistress - 1945-08-12
Ragaszkodom a szerelemhez - 1943-06-02
People of the Mountains - 1942-02-28
Szeressük egymást - 1940-01-01
Uz Bence - 1938-11-18
Viki - 1937-11-09
Sister Maria - 1937-01-05
Légy jó mindhalálig - 1936-03-17
The New Landlord - 1935-12-21