Missing biography. Soon to updated
The Green Inferno - 1988-05-01
Words and Blood - 1982-09-16
Gunan, King of the Barbarians - 1982-09-09
A Policewoman on the Porno Squad - 1979-08-10
The Swindle - 1977-11-18
Meet Him and Die - 1976-10-08
Crimebusters - 1976-06-17
Italy is Rotten - 1976-04-13
Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man - 1976-03-11
Violent Rome - 1975-08-13
Charleston - 1974-09-10
Watch Out, We're Mad - 1974-05-01
Battle of the Amazons - 1973-11-21
The Story of Romance and Knife - 1971-09-18
Fighters from Ave Maria - 1970-10-15
God Forgives... I Don't! - 1967-10-31
Massacre Time - 1966-08-10
Prima di sera - 1954-10-21