Born: 1943-01-10 in Helsinki, Finland
Died: 2016-06-26
Missing biography. Soon to updated
Romanssi - 2014-04-11
Jill and Joy - 2014-01-17
Village People - 2013-08-16
Red Ribbon - 2012-01-15
Garbage Prince - 2011-07-29
The Interrogation - 2009-09-25
Stormheart - 2008-08-15
Playing Solo - 2007-12-28
Ganes - 2007-09-28
Kolme suudelmaa - 2006-12-11
Pelicanman - 2004-12-17
Uuno Turhapuro – This Is My Life - 2004-09-10
Kymmenen riivinrautaa - 2002-08-30
Visa Mäkinen - My movie - 2002-02-03
Dirlandaa - 2000-11-04
Kummeli Kultakuume - 1997-12-05
Lahja - 1997-10-13
Pekko ja muukalainen - 1996-09-06
Lyrics and Lace - 1992-11-06
Kiljusen herrasväen uudet seikkailut - 1990-12-21