Missing biography. Soon to updated
The Denouement of Chu Liu Hsian - 1983-05-05
The Three Famous Constables - 1983-01-01
Miraculous Sword Art - 1982-09-17
Red Rattlesnake - 1982-03-04
The Jade Badger - 1982-01-01
Veiling of Hidden Sword - 1980-01-01
The Silver Spear - 1980-01-01
The Romantic Double Rings - 1979-12-29
Love and Sword - 1979-10-18
Wanderer with Nimble Knife - 1979-08-03
Relentless Broken Blade - 1979-07-22
Flying Swallow - 1978-07-21
Lost Swordship - 1977-01-01
The Majesty Cat - 1975-12-03
Heroes in the Ming Dynasty - 1975-02-04
The Tongfather - 1974-08-01