Cadillac Desert: Water and the Transformation of NatureThe Visit of the Sultan Mehmed the Fifth Reshad to SalonikaOpening of the City Café in BitolaA Wedding in BitolaThe Celebration of the Religious Festival EpiphanyA Veterinary StationThe Celebration of St. Cyril and Methodius on the Main Street in BitolaParade on the Occasion of the HürriyetTurks' Hearing Speech on HürriyetThe Defilee of Army Orchestra, Carriages and HorsemenThe Romanian Minister Istrate Visits BitolaThe Romanian Minister Istrate Visits GopeshThe Romanian Minister Istrate Visits ResenPanorama of the City of GrevenaThe Funeral of Metropolitan Emilianos of SilyvriaWeaving WomenOver AlaskaRromani SoulBerbères des cimesScenes from a Dry City