The Sanctuary: Survival Stories of the AlpsThe Third WorldPrédateurs et proies - La faune de la péninsule IbériqueInside the Mind of a DogAmong Big Cats and Anteaters - With Lydia Möcklinghoff in Brazil's wildlifeSurviving Paradise: A Family TaleSardine Run, le plus grand festin de l'océanLes singes qui voulaient voir la merComment le chien a conquis le mondeGhosts of the AbyssKaktus HotelThe Cat: A Cuddly KillerDogs and Us: The Secret of a FriendshipThe Lion In Your Living RoomThe Longest VoyageSpirit of the MountainsWhale NationAttack of the Murder HornetsMit allen Wassern gewaschen - Tricks und Finten der FischeThe mysteries of Mont La Pérouse