Plot: Viola Dana plays Eleanor, a minister's daughter who comes to New York to visit her older sister, a successful businesswoman. Eleanor manages to get a job as a nurse in a major metropolitan hospital. One night, she is called upon to look after a drunken tourist, who turns out to be her hometown sweetheart Roger (Pat O'Malley).
A Nest UnfeatheredWaifsSaphoAnne of the Golden HeartFelix O'DayLavender and Old LaceWe're All GamblersFlirting with LoveThe Further Adventures of StingareeThe Flight of the DuchessThe Satin GirlWolfe or the Conquest of QuebecThe Spider and Her WebLa falenaMoonshine MollyThe Second Mrs. RoebuckHer AwakeningMan's PrerogativeThe House Without ChildrenThe House with the Golden Windows