Plot: The number of smokers in Europe is declining, yet the tobacco industry is still making considerable profits. Electronic innovations such as e-cigarettes and tobacco heaters play a significant role in this. Both are said to be far less harmful than conventional cigarettes. But is the aromatic steam really not a danger to our health?
The Tobacco Conspiracy: The Backroom Deals of a Deadly IndustryManufacturing IgnoranceThe Back-breaking LeafCuspΓάζωρος ΣερρώνYou Don't Know NicotineThe CircleMaking a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic DruggingUnder the Law Part II: 3 Days in the County JailJoe Weider's Bodybuilding Training System, Session 10: Training Safe & SmartBurns and ScaldsWhat About ME?First Aid ActionChemericalUn écran de fuméePatients de seconde zone?"Früher haben wir Tabak geliefert..." - Tabakanbau in der Uckermark 1993/94Smoke TradersMove Fast & Vape ThingsA Billion Lives