Plot: INFINITY minus Infinity draws on several inspirations: the modernist verse of the Jamaican poet Una Marson, the alluvial invocations of the Martinican philosopher and poet Édouard Glissant, the black feminist poetics of the Brazilian philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva, and the racial formation of geology theorised by British geographer Kathryn Yusoff amongst others in order to envision a black feminist cosmos animated by the principles of mathematical nihilism.
Se dice poetaPoets Against the BombEchoes 'Cross the TracksIn Delusion: Trump and the American CatastropheThe Voyage of BashôNo ApologiesThe Queensucking on wordsUntitled Michael Bennett ProjectScotland's First Oil RushBlack Power SalutePlanet of the ApesPlanet of the ApesMy Love Awaits Me By the SeaAssaltaram a GramáticaBlack ThoughtsLiberty & SlaveryBongó ItáSheeneHow the Moon Conquered Pop