Mifune: The Last SamuraiThe Arrival of a Train at La CiotatCaligari: When Horror Came to CinemaPop féminisme : des militantes aux icônes popRouge ! L'Art au pays des sovietsTwo, Three Times BrancoHandbook of Movie Theaters’ HistorySimião Martiniano, o Camelô do CinemaComrades in DreamsThe Dinosaur and the BabyKino Wien FilmBlood of 1000 VirginsLaurel & Hardy: Their Lives and MagicCortázar y Antín: cartas iluminadasStallone, profession hérosScore: A Film Music DocumentaryThe Celluloid ClosetAndrés Caicedo: A Few Good FriendsVivien Leigh, autant en emporte le ventThe Cyberpunk Educator