Plot: Nelly and her dog London are about to spend autumn break with her uncle Hannibal. Soon she noticed that he doesn't live a quiet life. Her uncle is a Monster agent. Nelly gets dragged in to an adventure filled with ghosts, vampires and werewolves.
A Greyhound of a GirlThe Three MusketeersFrankenstein20,000 Leagues Under the SeaThe Golem: How He Came Into the WorldThe Lost WorldThe Lost WorldDoctor DolittleCaptain FracasseRead It and WeepThe House of the Lost on the CapeSpread Your WingsThe Treasure of the Sierra MadreWoodwalkers 3Emil and the DetectivesThe Count of Monte-CristoFrankensteinThe Tale of the Fisherman and the GoldfishMysterious IslandLost Horizon