Plot: In 1992, KIM Bok-dong, reported herself as a victim of the sexual slavery, "comfort women" during World War Ⅱ. She wanted to receive the proper apology from the Japan government but they denied its responsibility. In 2011, commemorating the 1000th Wednesday demonstration, Statue of Peace was installed in front of the Embassy of Japan. The fight over Japan confronts a new stage.
My Own BreathingCrimea. As It WasScreams Before SilenceHundred Years' War in KoreaThe Fog of SrebrenicaA Song of Korean Factory Girls1919 Yu Gwan-sunThe SilenceThe MurmuringFilmmakers for the ProsecutionMedia Mafia: a Tale of Two NewspapersOccupation 101: Voices of the Silenced MajorityShusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women IssueJune 1940, the Great ChaosEndphaseTo End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic BombDoctors of the Dark SideThe Devil Came on HorsebackWhy We FightA Long Way Around