Plot: Mildred Gower (Alma Rubens), in order to sane her extravagant mother, Mrs. Elton Gower (Eugenie Besserer), from bankruptcy, shame and scandal, the young society girl is forced to accept the proposal Lemuel Sidall (William Welsh), a wealthy man she loathes.
Die TeufelsanbeterWomen of the Ghetto BathingMrs. Pussy Loves AnimalsThe Mills in Joy and SorrowMr. PlastimimeThe Way of the StrongHe Loved the LadiesThe Ransom of Red ChiefEdgar's Feast DayStep Lively, PleaseMonks a la ModeRed PepperThe Dawn of Sound: How Movies Learned to TalkBoobs and BricksPlaying with fireAlong Came AuntieCarmencitaClown and His DogsThe Kid BrotherThe Glorious Lady