Plot: Vixna and her two children are lured from the safety of Paris by her husband, a officer in Pol Pot's army, back to Cambodia where they undergo brainwashing and enslavement by the Khmer Rouge.
The GateS21: The Khmer Rouge Killing MachineShadow of DarknessFunanNine Circles of HellSide by SideKampuchea: The Untold StoryThe Last SeasonBophana: A Cambodian TragedyDefending Brother No.2The Donut KingRain Falls from Earth: Surviving Cambodia's Darkest HourKampuchea inför krigetSite 2The Missing PictureCambodia, Pol Pot and the Khmer RougeFamilienlosCambodia: The Prince And The ProphecyCambodia/KampucheaRed Wedding