Plot: The next great voyage of human exploration has already begun: the search for life on planets orbiting distant stars. With extraordinary CGI, the world's most inspiring scientists, via extreme environments on Earth and around the solar system, the film takes viewers aboard the next generation of space ships, across the cosmos and beneath the clouds of the exo-planets to discover The Living Universe.
Lost in SpaceForbidden PlanetTeleiosThe Black HoleAlien: ContainmentThe JumpUnknown: Cosmic Time MachinePlanet of the VampiresThe MartianWild Wild SpaceSlaughterhouse-FiveUrine's SuperpowersThe Secret of the Third PlanetSearching for Skylab, America's Forgotten TriumphEscape VelocityIn OrbitLes arpenteurs de l'espaceVoyage to the Prehistoric PlanetBreachThe Voyager Show - Across the Universe