Plot: This is a performance that contains the basic elements of the inspection (satirical sketches, dance, singing) while it is enriched with innovative high-tech digital (laser, portable cameras, video projection, etc.) that convert it automatically in a Super-Inspection.
Η Μεγάλη του Γέλιου ΣχολήΟ καλός, ο κακός και ο διάσημοςΧάπι EndΓελών ΛαβέAllou Fun MarkMrs DOUBTFIRE - Μάρκος ΣεφερλήςΑπάτα... Τον Πλησίον ΣουSuleimark o megaloprepis10 Χρόνια ΓάμουDaddy coolO bahalogatosΤα... λαμόγιαΓάμος, αλλά… πλάγιαMourlen rougeKeys to the HeartDismissalThe Law of the Excluded Third or No Third Is GivenCold Pursuit