Plot: Is it possible to look into the future? Does mind over matter really exist? What is true about psychic healing? Is remote viewing real? Where is the boundary between real magical powers and fraud? Find out what scientists have to say.
An Honest LiarThe Beast of Brushy CreekBigfoot: America's Abominable SnowmanLiminalEvil BeneathReal HauntsReal Haunts: Ghost TownsReal Haunts 3The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-upSpirits in the SwampMiz Cracker's Favorite HauntsHollywood HauntsThe RavenWood Forrest - A short MockumentaryBigfoot: Man or Beast?Kiamichi Beast expedition 2GnomofobiaGhosts at Sea: Paranormal Shipwrecks and CursesGhost AdventuresUnknown PowersInvestigating the Afterlife