Plot: The long-suppressed story of 12,000 Japanese Americans who dared to resist the U.S. government's program of mass incarceration during World War II. Branded as 'disloyals' and re-imprisoned at Tule Lake Segregation Center, they continued to protest in the face of militarized violence, and thousands renounced their U.S. citizenship. Giving voice to experiences that have been marginalized for over 70 years, this documentary challenges the nationalist, one-sided ideal of wartime 'loyalty.'
David Attenborough's Natural History Museum AliveThe Eloquent PeasantAsaltar los cielosWhen We Were KingsEmpire of the SunRed CliffThirteen DaysBury My Heart at Wounded KneeEl brigadistaSalvador (Puig Antich)Caligula's Spawn - Part 1Samurai HeadhuntersThe French Revolution: Years of RageThe Donner PartyThe Viking SagasSalem Witch TrialsThe Knight of the NightAlbert Fish: In Sin He Found SalvationNot Quite HollywoodTerror in the Skies