Plot: An in-depth look at artist/filmmaker David Lynch's movies, paintings, drawings, photographs, and various other works of art. Features interview footage and commentary by family members, friends, fans, and people he's worked with, as well as behind-the-scenes antics of some of his most critically praised efforts.
Land Without BreadMichael Lost and FoundFull Tilt Boogie102 Minutes That Changed AmericaOne Ticket PleaseThis Film Is Not Yet RatedIron Fists and Kung Fu KicksAmerican MovieThe Dinosaur and the BabyFaces PlacesThe Prince of NothingwoodOvernightAutographyLarisaDirected by Andrei TarkovskyThe Buried Secret of M. Night ShyamalanOne Million DublinersNightmares in Red, White and BlueImage Makers: The Adventures of America's Pioneer CinematographersMy Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn