Plot: Tintin finds himself involved in a mystery related to a drowned man, a can of crabmeat and a ship called Karaboudjan. After investigating the ship, Tintin discovers that the shipment of cans does not contain exactly crabmeat.
The Calculus AffairLe Petit Vingtième : le siècle de TintinThe Adventures of TintinCigars of the PharaohThe Blue LotusThe Broken EarThe Black IslandKing Ottokar's SceptreThe Shooting StarThe Secret of the UnicornRed Rackham's TreasureThe Seven Crystal BallsPrisoners of the SunLand of Black GoldDestination MoonExplorers on the MoonThe Red Sea SharksTintin in TibetThe Castafiore EmeraldFlight 714