Plot: HENRY FORD paints a fascinating portrait of a farm boy who rose from obscurity to become the most influential American innovator of the 20th century.
The Masters of DisasterYoung at HeartMy Love Awaits Me By the SeaMayan RenaissanceDie Mutigen 56 - Deutschlands längster Streik69 - Praça da LuzTo Live or Let DieFlamenco at 5:15Forest of the Dancing SpiritsMargaret Mee and the MoonflowerHaving Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 YearsFace to Face: The Schappell TwinsMr. XDeep Water: The Real StoryBrick by BrickThe Kingdom of Dreams and MadnessI Am a GirlNo ApologiesBirth/MotherThe Seer and the Unseen