Plot: 10 year old Amelia's parents think it's time for her to go to sleep permanently,..... leaving her broken body in a silent shallow grave. 50 years later, Mommy and Daddy are back from hell, intent on wreaking the same deadly discipline on anyone not in bed by nightfall
Eight Legged FreaksPet SemataryPlan 9 from Outer SpaceNight of the Living DeadAtom the Amazing Zombie KillerTom Holland's Twisted TalesNight of the Living DorksAlone in the DarkGhosts of GoldfieldPro Wrestlers vs ZombiesAttack of the Blind DeadCandyman: Day of the DeadResident Evil: ExtinctionPlanet TerrorDead ZoneThe Black MagicSadako 3D 2The 13th WarriorThey LiveDay of the Dead