Plot: We met in first grade in Ms. Locklear’s class. During the summer of 2006, we decided to search for our beloved teacher. We chose not to use the internet or the telephone, but instead to rely on face-to-face contact with people. Looking for Ms. Locklear is a documentary chronicling our search, which led us far from home and into the company of a host of characters.
School of HopeA Place of Our OwnOn the Sly: In Search of the Family StoneAdolescentsHell on WheelsAnvil! The Story of AnvilWhen Paul Came Over The SeaSpellboundStartup.comMemory BooksBus 174BlindsightEducation Week27ansIsaiah vs. The HodagI Love You, East Garrison (A Video Essay by Haley Hoult)The Teachers: Pink, Nature Trail, Ridge between Rice Paddies, PlumLa vida más largaBloody Nose, Empty PocketsBlue Boy