Plot: The ideologies underlying the foundation of modern Israel are explored in this documentary, the third of a trilogy (created over a twenty year span) exploring the Jewish experience. The two earlier documentaries, "Porquoi Israel," and "Shoah," have had great effect on the ways documentaries are produced. "Tsahal" zeroes in on the crucial role of the military in Israeli society and politics. The film uses many in-depth interviews to present the many feelings and thoughts about the Israeli military.
The Wars of the Roses: A Bloody CrownCaudilloDead Gay Men and Living LesbiansThe WindPoets Against the BombThe Fog of WarKhawla's GoalWe Are Not PrincessesThe EnclaveFahrenheit 9/11The White HelmetsPQ17: An Arctic Convoy DisasterEnemy ImageThe Fog of SrebrenicaOccupation 101: Voices of the Silenced MajorityTitanic's Tragic Twin: The Britannic Disaster39-45 L'histoire des bases sous-marinesLast Men in AleppoSilvered WaterLos Niños Héroes de Chapultepec