Let’s go to the movies!
15 votes
Robyn Butler
Lucy Fry
Portia de Rossi
Hamish Blake
Erik Thomson
Lucy Durack
Philippa Coulthard
Lucinda Armstrong Hall
Angus Sampson
Robbie Magasiva
Ben Lawson
Sandy Gore
David Field
Heidi Arena
Eddie Baroo
Ash Ricardo
Faustina Agolley
Adam Dixon
Christopher Teixeiras
Bethany Sherwell
Stephen Hall
Dave Thornton
John McCullough
Emily Taheny
Craig Brookshaw
Quin Ellery
Luke McGregor
James Bridgen
Ric Pragnell
Richard Anastasios
Ferdinand Hoang
Xaris Miller
Robbie Clissold
Ba Aliou
Nicholas Soperlario
Nicholas Phillips