Plot: The Watergate case was the original game changer of America politics. How has Watergate changed the Presidency? What effect has the scandal had on our political leaders? And has hope and optimism forever been replaced in our national dialogue by doubt and cynicism? In 1973, Watergate's most pivotal year, reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein doggedly investigated the scandal exposing the long, twisted trail of cover-ups and lies.
Rendszerhiba - A magyar film el nem mondott történeteYou've Been Trumped TooTongpanJFKThe Assassination of Richard NixonLa cravateViceConspiracy: The Trial of the Chicago 8UnrestAm I Racist?Emmanuel Macron: Behind the RiseCitizen Krone, Austria between the Lines1974, une partie de campagneClassroom 8Javier Milei: la revolución liberalStatues Also DieThe Term. Beginning of a Big StoryL'Extrême Droite dans l'Histoire : Du général Boulanger à Jean-Marie Le PenNixonGetulio