| John McLoughlin | |
| Will Jimeno | |
| Donna McLoughlin | |
| Allison Jimeno | |
| Officer Giraldi | |
| Scott Strauss | |
| Dominick Pezzulo | |
| Dave Karnes | |
| Allison's Mother | |
| Allison's Father | |
| Pat McLoughlin | |
| Chuck Sereika | |
| Paddy McGee | |
| Mother in Hospital with Donna | |
| Olivia Jimeno | |
| Steven McLoughlin | |
| JJ McLoughlin | |
| Erin McLoughlin | |
| Caitlin McLoughlin | |
| Antonio Rodrigues | |
| Christopher Amoroso | |
| Inspector Fields | |
| Allison's Grandmother | |
| Subway Rider | |
| Port Authority Officer | |
| Lieutenant Kassimatis | |
| Homeless Addict #1 | |
| Homeless Addict #2 | |
| Street Hood #1 | |
| Street Hood #2 | |
| Port Authority Hustler | |
| Port Authority Tourist | |
| Desk Cop | |
| 9th Avenue Hooker | |
| Officer Polnicki | |
| Officer Colovito | |
| Officer Washington | |
| Plain Clothes Officer | |
| Street Businessman | |
| Bleeding Woman | |
| WTC Desk Officer | |
| Officer Reynolds | |
| Fire Fighter in Concourse | |
| Wisconsin Cop | |
| Allison's Co-Worker | |
| Allison's Brother | |
| Donna's Neighbor | |
| Judy Jonas | |
| Volunteer Fireman | |
| Will's Sister | |
| Sergeant King | |
| Officer Boel | |
| Bianca Jimeno | |
| Accountant in Karnes Office | |
| Karnes' Pastor | |
| Will's Father | |
| Will's Mother | |
| Donna's Male Neighbor | |
| Downtown Resident | |
| National Guard Officer at Barricade | |
| Fire Chief at Ground Zero | |
| Fireman at Ground Zero | |
| Figure of Jesus | |
| Marine Sergeant Thomas | |
| NYC Command Centre Operator | |
| Fireman in Hole | |
| Port Authority Commander | |
| Port Authority Sergeant | |
| Allison's Nurse | |
| Will's Rescue Fireman | |
| Firefighter #1 John's Rescue | |
| Firefighter #2 John's Rescue | |
| Firefighter #3 John's Rescue | |
| Firefighter #4 John's Rescue | |
| Will's Arrival Nurse | |
| Will's Doctor | |
| Will's Operation Nurse | |
| Fireman Joe | |
| John's Paramedic | |
| John's Rescue Fireman | |
| Fireman | |