Plot: To inherit a fortune, voice teacher Shemp must marry before six o'clock, but no girl will accept his proposal. Finally one of his repulsive students agrees to marry him, just in the nick of time. When the rest of the prospective brides hear about the inheritance, they show up at the ceremony and a free for all ensues. Shemp marries his student before the deadline, and then finds out that there is no inheritance. Moe and Larry have tricked him into marriage as revenge for their marrying his shrewish sisters.
Hello PopMy Sister EileenHave Rocket, Will TravelStop! Look! and Laugh!Soup to NutsA Ducking They Did GoThree Stooges: Greatest RoutinesThe Three Stooges Meet HerculesColumbia Laff HourMalice in the PalaceSing a Song of Six PantsDizzy PilotsTime Out for RhythmThe Captain Hates the SeaThe Three Stooges Go Around the World in a Daze3 Dumb ClucksTassels in the AirHealthy, Wealthy and DumbMutts to YouDutiful But Dumb