Plot: Based in the late 19th Century, we follow the story of the successful upper class politician and military officer, Ludovic Scott, as he re-lives his adventures while writing his memoirs. Ludovic lives in a high point of the British Empire where his life is full of friendship, love, wealth, honour and status - however he also faces war, treachery, revenge and death.
SidekickIotaHenry VThe Haunting FearWartimeSolusA Stolen IdentityA Very Slow BreakfastDajang Soembi, the Woman Who Was Married to a DogThe Sad HouseLike a BrotherBelaBr0thersThe Man in HidingMy Father Is Afraid of WaterBed of HonourMatias and JeronimoThe Name You CarryThe DremaCotton Wool