Plot: Gum-chewing frizzy-haired golddigger Marie Skinner cooks up a scheme with her lover Babe Winsor, a jazz hound, to fleece a portly middle-aged real estate tycoon, William Judson. Marie moves into Judson's apartment building and contrives to meet and seduce him, plying him with compliments, music, swoons, décolletage, and batted eyes. When his loyal wife (and their two children) see him out catting with Marie at a night club, mom's devastated and confronts him. He moves out. Babe wants Marie to sell Judson worthless bonds. Will mom commit suicide? Will sis shoot the floozy? Will pops figure out he's being a fool?
The Birth of a NationSunrise: A Song of Two HumansThe MarathonI Am Not a RacistOctober (Ten Days that Shook the World)Gentlemen Prefer BlondesBattleship PotemkinNosferatuNanook of the NorthMr. Jones Has a Card PartyIf Winter ComesPeople on SundayBreakfast at Tiffany'sThe Cabinet of Dr. CaligariMetropolisThere Goes the GroomMatch PointBFFsThe Passion of Joan of ArcKnock and Run