Plot: In the farewell beams of evening the pioneer with his wife and child stop the prairie-schooner and strike stakes for the night. Sounds of the Indian war cry disturb the quiet calm, and seen approaching in the distance is a band of savage red men. Terror-stricken, the settler seizes his gun and stands ready to defend his family. At the first volley from the Indians' rifles he falls dead. The brave wife makes a desperate resistance to protect her child. The poor woman is quickly slain by the hostile savages, leaving the helpless babe to their mercy.
The Man from Funeral RangeWhen Jim ReturnedBill Sharkey's Last GameGentleman JoeThe SirenThe BandoleroGood Men and TrueCrashin' ThruDriftin' ThruDesert DrivenThe Red Blood of CourageThe Chief's BlanketThe Mysterious OutlawThe Dawn of UnderstandingActionThe ConquerorThe Mysterious RiderThe Outlaw and the LadyHair-Trigger BurkeThe Honor of an Outlaw